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27 July 2024, 09:03 
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The representative of the China University of Mining and Technology visited TSTU On July 18, the director of “The Resource and Mining Institute” of «The China University of Mining and Technology», Professor Wang Zhiqiang visited Tambov State Technical University.

The meeting was attended by TSTU Rector Mikhail Krasnyansky, Vice-Rector for Research Dmitry Muromtsev, Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko, as well as the head of the Department of Physics at the University of Science and Technology MISIS Ivan Ushakov.

During the visit, joint projects in scientific, educational and cultural activities were discussed, as well as the possibility of concluding a cooperation agreement between Tambov State Technical University and the China University of Mining and Technology.

TSTU and the National Advanced School of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT of Cameroon discussed prospects for cooperation On July 10 Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of the International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva held a regular meeting with the Head of the Research Service of the Association African Sputnik Moment. The African Sputnik Moment Association acts as an intermediary between TSTU and the National Advanced School of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT of Cameroon. As a result of the meeting, Tambov State Technical University will organize an intensive professional development program for teachers of Cameroon in the above-mentioned educational direction, share curricula and methodological developments in this field, and organize lecture courses for African students.

International students celebrated the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty Foreign students of the Faculty of International Education celebrated the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty at the Tambov Regional Library named after A. S. Pushkin. The topic of the event was dedicated to the family. Library staff, teachers and international students talked about the history of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, discussed books about family values, compared proverbs and sayings about family from different countries of the world. The foreigners demonstrated their knowledge of the Russian language: they talked about their families, took part in a quiz, and completed thematic tasks.

TSTU Faculty of International Education held a mini-football tournament for the Summer Cup On July 4 a mini-football tournament was held at the TSTU stadium. The event was organized by the Faculty of International Education and the Department of Russian Language and General Education. The match was attended by students of institutes and faculties of TSTU from Egypt, Yemen, Cameroon, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon. The Cameroon team won the final match with the active support of their fans.

Teachers of the University of Zimbabwe will be trained as part of the Summer School at TSTU From June 30 to July 8, TSTU hosts a delegation from the University of Zimbabwe. Teachers of engineering disciplines came to Tambov to learn from the experience of colleagues from TSTU, to get acquainted with the culture, science, and production of our university and the country. During the week, teachers of the University of Zimbabwe will get acquainted with the laboratory base of TSTU, listen to lectures on their chosen topics in the field of engineering and new technologies, and also visit a number of enterprises in the Tambov region. In addition, an extensive cultural program has been prepared for them, including visits to attractions, historical sites, museums, and acquaintance with the natural resources of the region.

A quest for international students of TSTU In 2024 Russia celebrates the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, the founder of the Russian literary language. The teachers of the Department "Russian Language and General Education" and the members of the club "Globus" of the Faculty of International Education organized events for international students dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language. Foreigners got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned about the key moments of Alexander Pushkin's life and work, listened to the poems of the great poet in Russian, Arabic and French.

Foreign students visited JSC "Teplichnoye" Foreign students of the Faculty of International Education of TSTU went on an excursion to JSC "Teplichnoye", an enterprise that has been providing the Tambov region and neighboring regions with fresh vegetables for more than 40 years. JSC "Teplichnoye" grows cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and various types of flowers on 16 hectares. Konstantin Chupkin, Deputy Director for Production, told about the history of the enterprise and the prospects for its development, answered in detail all the questions of foreign students. The foreigners visited greenhouses, learned about the peculiarities of growing vegetable crops in a nutrient substrate, tasted the products and gave them the highest rating.

TSTU took part in the interregional conference "International activities of educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation" Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of the International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva took part in the interregional scientific and practical conference "International activities of educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation: best practices and models of regional strategies", held at Samara State Technical University. The conference was attended by Konstantin Mogilevsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, rectors, vice-rectors for international cooperation and heads of international services of universities from 78 subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. They discussed a wide range of issues related to the development of international scientific and educational cooperation. The Expert Council on International Activities in the field of Higher Education introduced the conference participants to the developed Methodological package for supporting the international activities of educational institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation.

TSTU and Chongqing Three Gorges University discussed scientific cooperation On May 30, an online round table was held on scientific cooperation between Chongqing Three Gorges University and TSTU on low-carbon technologies and sustainable development. The event brought together leading experts and scientists from China and Russia to discuss cutting-edge achievements in the field of environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable development. Mikhail Krasnyansky, Rector of Tambov State Technical University, spoke about the history and structure of the university, emphasizing its importance in training specialists for the real sector of the economy. Vice-Rector of Chongqing Three Gorges University Liu Jia showed the importance of his university in the development of low-carbon technologies and sustainable development, and also spoke about the various faculties, research and achievements of the university. At the end of the discussion, the participants agreed on further cooperation and the development of joint research.

TSTU students took part in the Summer Agricultural School in Minsk On May 20, the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University launched the Summer Agricultural School "Innovative technologies and technical means in the conditions of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex", which was attended by agricultural engineering students of TSTU.
The program of the Summer Agricultural School included seminars and lectures on technical support of agricultural production in the context of digitalization. In addition to intensive classes, the school participants visited the Minsk Tractor Plant, as well as the Khatyn Memorial Complex dedicated to the tragic pages of the history of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

30 years of the Faculty of International Education of TSTU On May 24, TSTU hosted events on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of International Education and the Department "Russian Language and General Education". The All-Russian conference "Teaching foreign students in Russian universities: traditions, innovations, prospects" opened the celebrations. The conference was attended by representatives of the Russian House in Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), higher and general education institutions of Russia and foreign countries. The conference received scientific reports from researchers of Iraq, Mongolia, Northern Macedonia, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. Over the 30-year history of the Faculty of International Education of TSTU, more than 4,000 foreign citizens from 80 countries have received pre-university training and studied the Russian language.

Graduates of the Training Center for International Specialists of TSTU passed their final exams On May 23, the TSTU Training Center for International Specialists hosted the final certification of graduates of the professional retraining program "International specialist in the field of production management". The defense of graduation papers in English was demonstrated by students of the Technological Institute, the Institute of Law, the Institute of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport and the Institute of Automation and Information Technology, who studied general and professional disciplines in English in parallel with classes in Russian, mastered the special vocabulary of their future profession and acquired additional knowledge and skills for communication in international business and scientific communities.

TSTU students are prize–winners of the International Olympiad in Agricultural Machinery On May 22-23, 2024, the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University in Minsk hosted the International Olympiad on Agricultural Machinery produced by the founding enterprises of the Union of Industrialists «Progress» among students of higher education institutions of the agrarian profile from Russia and Belarus. In the team competition, students of TSTU Filatov Sergey, Votanovsky Kirill and Kapustin Andrey specializing in Agroengineering took the third place, which indicates the high level of training of our students.

Representatives of TSTU visited the memorial complex in memory of Soviet pilots in the Chinese city of Wuhan As part of a business trip to China, TSTU Rector Mikhail Krasnyansky and Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko visited a memorial complex dedicated to Soviet pilots who, together with the Chinese people, fought against the Japanese fascists in 1937-1941. The memorial complex is located in Wuhan in the Liberation Park. The complex consists of an eight-meter stele and a panoramic plate with the names of 29 Soviet pilots who helped China in the fight against the Japanese Empire.

The Rector of TSTU visited the Nantong Vocational University in China and signed a cooperation agreement Rector of Tambov State Technical University Mikhail Krasnyanskiy and Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko visited Nantong Vocational University during their trip to China, where they met with the leadership of the university, discussed areas of cooperation and signed a cooperation agreement. The heads of Tambov State Technical University and Nantong Vocational University have identified the implementation of joint educational projects in the field of mechanical engineering and information technology as key areas of cooperation – these two areas are core for both universities. Another area is cooperation in the scientific field, mutual participation in conferences and other scientific events.

Students of Baranovichy State University came to TSTU for an exchange On May 20 TSTU hosted a meeting of its administration with representatives of Baranovichy State University as part of the implementation of the student exchange program. During the meeting, the participants discussed the implementation of the student academic mobility program and issues related to further interaction. The delegation of BSU included students studying in the fields of "Mechanical engineering technology", "Manufacture of products based on three-dimensional technologies" and "Information systems and technologies". Excursions to the Vernadsky Technopark and the university laboratories were organized for the delegation from Belarus.

Representatives of TSTU and the delegation of the Ferghana region of Uzbekistan discussed areas of cooperation A delegation from the Ferghana region (Uzbekistan) arrived in Tambov on an official visit. The Tambov Regional Library named after A.S. Pushkin hosted a round table which was attended by the First Vice-rector of TSTU Natalia Molotkova and the Dean of the Faculty of International Education Maksim Promtov. Natalia Molotkova presented to the guests from Uzbekistan the possibilities of the university and potential directions for the development of cooperation in the field of education and science. On the part of TSTU, it was proposed to develop cooperation with Fergana Polytechnic Institute and the International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering on double degree programs, advanced training and professional retraining, academic mobility, project training, including in the field of technological entrepreneurship and other areas of cooperation.

A lesson in memory of the victims of World War II was held at the Faculty of International Education of TSTU On May 8, a lesson in memory of the victims of World War II was held at the Faculty of International Education of Tambov State Technical University. The teachers told the foreign students about what the Soviet Union and all the countries participating in the Second World War had to go through in those terrible years. Students read poems by Russian poets about the Great Patriotic War. As part of the Immortal Regiment campaign, the faculty leadership and teachers of the Department of Russian Philology told students about their grandfathers and great–grandfathers who participated in the Great Patriotic War. The event ended with a minute of silence in memory of all the victims of those terrible events.

International interuniversity student patriotic action "We remember!" On May 7 the international interuniversity student patriotic action "We remember!" took place at TSTU. The following foreign universities and organizations joined this event in an online format: Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Republic of Belarus), Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan), the Organization of Cultural Exchange between Iraq and Russia AKKAD, Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, the Civil Association of Friends of Russia "Berega-Trenchin" (Slovakia), West University (Republic of Kazakhstan). Representatives of partner universities congratulated the participants of the action on Victory Day, shared military stories about the exploits of their ancestors on the battlefields, told about memorable places and memories

Day of African and Asian Culture for international students of TSTU On April 24 the Tambov Regional Library named after A.S. Pushkin hosted the Day of African and Asian Culture. It is timed to coincide with the International Youth Solidarity Day. Such meetings are aimed at adapting foreign students to the Russian cultural environment, as well as developing interethnic cultural ties. Foreign students prepared creative performances - they played the drum, sang songs of their countries and danced folk dances.

TSTU students took part in the International Scientific Forum "Science of the Future – Science of the Young" From April 23 to 25 Volgograd hosted the International Student Scientific Forum "Science of the Future – the Science of the Young", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Volgograd State Agrarian University and the International Student Olympiad in Agroengineering specialties. The forum brought together representatives of the leading agricultural universities in the central part of Russia and Kazakhstan. The event was attended by students of the Department "Agroengineering" of TSTU Andrey Kapustin, Kirill Kalinin and Artyom Bashkatov, as well as the Associate Professor of the Department "Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing" Andrey Popov. The program of the forum included an introduction to the scientific directions for ensuring food security implemented at the university, and the presentation of their scientific developments by students. Our students showed high-quality training and were awarded diplomas.

TSTU held an international student Olympiad in electrical engineering On April 22 Tambov State Technical University held the final round of the International Student Subject Olympiad in Electrical Engineering. This year Olympiad brought together participants from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Tajikistan and other countries. The participants had to demonstrate their knowledge in various branches of electrical engineering, solving problems of different levels of complexity. The thematic sections of the Olympiad are: DC electric circuits, single-phase sinusoidal current circuits, three-phase circuits, four-pole circuits, electric filters, magnetic circuits. The student of TSTU Alexey Uyutnov took the second place.

Foreign students of TSTU took part in the VIII International Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "Russian is the language of our friendship" TSTU students of the Faculty of International Education took part in the competition, which was attended by the students who speak Russian at an elementary level and the main competition, where the participants speak Russian at a basic level. In the qualifying round, the participants of the main competition performed a test that included questions on culture and regional studies of Russia, a listening test and an image description. The first place in the basic program was taken by a student of TSTU from Syria- Fadel Alsalami.

Students of the Institute of Law of TSTU visited Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn A group of students and teachers of the Institute of Law visited Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn. Within the framework of the round table "Friendship and cooperation of the peoples of Russia and Kyrgyzstan", TSTU students shared their knowledge about their native land and told about prominent figures of the Tambov region: I. Michurin, V. Vernadsky, S.Rachmaninov and other famous people. In response, Kyrgyz students shared stories about Kyrgyzstan and introduced Tambov residents to the national Kyrgyz instrument- komuz, playing several national melodies for the guests. During the visit, representatives of TSTU attended lectures by Kyrgyz teachers in the disciplines of Family law, Environmental law, Inheritance law, Civil law, and National security issues within the framework of the Summer School of Law – 2024.

The interregional Olympiad "Creativity is the basis for the development of the regional economy" was held at TSTU On April 16 the Faculty of International Education of TSTU hosted a full–time round of the interregional Olympiad of TSTU - 2024 "Creativity is the basis for the development of the regional economy" in the Olympiad group V "Competition of teams of Russian and foreign applicants (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science)". Students of the Faculty of International Education took 1st place in the team competition.

Teachers of the Institute of Law participa ted in the international conference in Bishkek On April 15, the Institute of Law of Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn organized an international scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of entrepreneurship development and protection of legitimate interests and rights of business participants". The conference was attended by the representatives of TSTU- Maya Dieva, Head of the Department "Security and Law Enforcement" and Tatyana Lavrik, Head of the Department "Civil Law and Procedure". The topics of the reports were formulated on legal issues of development and protection of entrepreneurship both in Kyrgyzstan and in foreign countries. The reports presented by the participants were accompanied by topical issues, discussions, and additional presentations, which contributed to an active exchange of opinions, experiences, and research results.

Representatives of the Department "Economic Security" took part in the winter school of the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University Teachers and students of the TSTU Department "Economic Security" took part in the winter school "Market Economy: Today and Tomorrow" which was held at the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University within the framework of international academic mobility. The school program included educational events, such as lectures and practical classes, master classes on the stated topic, Foresight sessions, as well as business and quest games, visits to the production of the "MAZ-MAN" enterprise; acquaintance with the logistics center "21 VEK" and others.

Online meeting of TSTU representatives with the President of the Organization for cultural exchange between Iraq and Russia "AKKAD" On April 9 Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko, Head of the International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva and postgraduate student of the program "Construction and Architecture" Dahham Hussein Wahid Dahham met online with the President of the Organization for cultural exchange between Iraq and Russia "AKKAD" Dr. Al-Kaeath Nabeel Abdalla Kaeath, who is one of the first graduates of Tambov State Technical University from the Republic of Iraq. During the meeting, an agreement was reached on the organization of a professional development program on the basis of TSTU for a group of teachers of Iraqi universities, representatives of the business community and engineering personnel of industrial enterprises.

TSTU held an International Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language The X International Olympiad in Russian as a foreign language "We speak Russian", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Faculty of International Education and the Department "Russian Language and General Theoretical Disciplines" at TSTU was held on April 5. It was attended by more than 500 participants from educational institutions in Russia and abroad.

Students and teachers of TSTU discussed with their Belarusian colleagues the issues of preserving the memory of the people’s feat in the Great Patriotic War On March 27 a delegation of students and teachers of the TSTU Institute of Economics and Quality of Life took part in an international round table dedicated to the victims of the Great Patriotic War. The event was held at the International University MITSO in Minsk under the leadership of Alexander Kovtunov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics. Each of the participants had the opportunity to share their history related to the Great Patriotic War and show their projects aimed at preserving the memory of those events. Students and teachers of TSTU visited the "Alley of Memory" in MITSO, laid flowers at the monument to prisoners of war and civilians who died during the Great Patriotic War.

The delegation of the Association "African Sputnik Moment" visited TSTU On March 26 Tambov State Technical University hosted a meeting of TSTU International Department with representatives of the Association "African Sputnik Moment (AFRISM)", Republic of Cameroon, where they discussed the implementation of the Russian-African network pilot project. Besides Tambov State Technical University, Mountains University in Bangangte, University of Bangui, National Advanced School of Posts, Telecommunications, Information and Communication Technologies (Cameroon) are participating in the project. Representatives of the Association made a presentation of the main activities of the AFRISM Association. Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko told the guests about TSTU.

Tambov State Technical University is developing international cooperation with India On March 21 an online meeting was held between representatives of the International Department of Tambov State Technical University and the College of Arts and Science at Bharathiar University in Coimbatore (India). During the meeting the colleagues discussed perspective areas of interuniversity cooperation in the field of science and education, the development of bilateral strategic partnership on topical international academic issues, as well as the organization and implementation of an intensive English course program for students and young scientists of TSTU within the framework of the Russian-Indian Summer School at TSTU.

A teleconference with representatives of Karaganda Buketov University was held at TSTU On March 15 TSTU held a teleconference, dedicated to the largest youth event in the world - the World Youth Festival in Sochi together with the representatives of Karaganda Buketov University. Students, young teachers and volunteers from both universities shared their opinions and impressions about participating in the Festival, which brought together young people from more than 180 countries to find solutions necessary for the modern world order and create solid foundations for international cooperation on which relations between countries will be built.

International students of TSTU celebrated the Pancake Day On March 14 foreign students of Tambov State Technical University celebrated the Pancake Day. The creative program was prepared by students of the Faculty of International Education with the support of teachers of the Department "Russian Philology" and the International Friendship Club "Globus". Foreign students saw off the winter with traditional Pancake Day rituals: round dances, tug of war, games, pancakes, burning an effigy of winter and other amusements.

A student of TSTU from Venezuela became a participant in the World Youth Festival Lope Gabriel Rosales Idalgo, a student of TSTU from Venezuela, was selected by the organizing committee of the World Youth Festival as a representative of the student youth from the Tambov region. About 90,000 people attended the Festival. 20,000 people participated in the forum program: 10,000 foreigners from 188 countries and 10,000 Russians. The program of the Festival was based on such values as unity, equality, justice, mutual assistance, teamwork and mercy. This format allowed each participant to voice their opinions and hear the positions of young people from other regions and countries.

Foreign students discussed the role of the family in the fate of the country at the meeting of the women's club "Nadezhda" On the eve of International Women's Day, a meeting of the international women's club "Nadezhda" was held at TSTU. The topic of the meeting - "The history of the family in the history of the country" is dedicated to the Year of the Family. TSTU students from Africa, Arab and Asian countries, Latin America made presentations in which they talked about the institution of the family, traditions, the role of the family in the state and their families. Also, foreign students performed songs, dances, and read poems dedicated to women.

Online ceremony of signing the cooperation agreement between TSTU and the Nantong Professional University (China) On March 6 Tambov State Technical University hosted an online ceremony of signing the cooperation agreement between Tambov State Technical University and Nantong Professional University (China) on the implementation of a joint educational project to create a new model of open education, develop international cooperation and academic exchanges, search for a new way of cooperation between China and Russia in the field of higher professional education, improve the level of training of foreign specialists in higher professional education and further economic cooperation between China and Russia.

The International Winter School "Nanotechnology and Engineering in Biomedicine" was held at TSTU On February 27-29, the International Winter School "Nanotechnology and Engineering in Biomedicine" was organized by Tambov State Technical University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. For two days, teachers and students from both countries discussed their scientific research and developments in such areas as: "Silicon nanoparticles for use in theranostics", "Methods and technical means of diagnosing biomedical objects based on optical tomography", "Superhydrophobic materials: application in biomedicine", etc.

A round table "Science for creation" was held for international students of TSTU On the occasion of the Day of Russian Science a round table "Science for creation" was held for international students of TSTU. The meeting was attended by Maxim Promtov, Dean of the Faculty of International Education, teachers of the Department "Russian Language and General Education", foreign graduate students and students of the preparatory course. The participants of the round table discussed the use of modern science achievements in the field of power engineering, computer science, medicine and agriculture as well as the contribution of scientists from Tambov State Technical University to world science.

Tambov State Technical University took part in the Festival of Peoples’ Friendship TSTU took part in the Festival of Peoples’ Friendship "We are strong by unity!" in the online format. The festival was dedicated to the historical personalities of the peoples of Russia and the birthday of the founder of the Uzbek language and literature Alisher Navoi. The festival was attended by poets and writers, scientists, representatives of public organizations of national diasporas, the international department of TSTU, as well as students and teachers of the departments "Economic Security and Quality" and "International Law". During the festival, reports on creativity of outstanding representatives of the peoples of Russia, their contribution to the progress and strengthening of friendship of peoples, preservation of historical and cultural heritage were announced, poems by great poets were performed, and presentations illustrating the original traditions of the Russian peoples were presented.

A meeting of Cameroon student communities in Russia was held in Moscow A meeting of the Cameroonian diaspora was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Moscow. Representatives of the student communities of Cameroon from 40 cities of Russia, including students of TSTU, met at the annual Round Table. The participants of the meeting summed up the communities activities in 2023 and discussed the 2024 plan. Priority is given to supporting Russian companies in their cooperation with Cameroonian and African organizations, holding events to strengthen friendship between Cameroon and Russia, working with students and promoting Cameroonian culture in Russia.

Tambov State Technical University develops scientific and technical cooperation with India As part of cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and universities and enterprises of India the rector of TSTU Mikhail Krasnyansky met with the CEO of AGG Lifesciences and Safety Solutions LLP Gurvinder Singh Chugh (India). During the meeting, possible promising options for cooperation between Tambov State Technical University and AGG Lifesciences and Safety Solutions LLP in the field of scientific and technical cooperation, as well as further development of bilateral strategic partnership on topical issues of scientific research and experimental developments in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology were discussed.

TSTU and Baranovichi State University of the Republic of Belarus approved a cooperation roadmap for 2024 As part of the development of cooperation between TSTU and universities of the Republic of Belarus, last week a coordination meeting of representatives of the administrations of Tambov State Technical University and Baranovichi State University was held online.
The topic of the meeting was the discussion and approval of a plan for scientific, educational and socio-cultural cooperation between the two universities in 2024. Agreements were reached on organizing and holding a joint student scientific and practical conference in engineering areas with the participation of young researchers from other universities of the Russian Federation and Belarus. In April-May 2024 a program of international academic mobility of students and teachers of BarSU will take place at TSTU, within the framework of which events of academic and cultural orientations are planned. At the beginning of the next academic year, students of Baranovichi State University will take part in the traditional annual TSTU Fire and Rescue Sports Championship.

A meeting of the student club "Globus" was held at TSTU on the occasion of the Day of Russian Students On January 24, the participants of the student club "Globus" of Tambov State Technical University held a meeting dedicated to the Day of Russian Students. The teachers of the Faculty of International Education delivered an open lecture for international students. They learned about the history of Moscow State University, the life and work of Mikhail V. Lomonosov, the traditions of Russian students and how Tatiana's Day was celebrated. The foreigners sang songs, read poetry and recited the student's oath.

Tambov State Technical University expands cooperation with the universities in Africa On January 22 an online meeting was held with the participation of Vice-Rector for International Activities Prof. Elena Mishchenko, Head of the International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva and Vice - Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events of the University of Constantine3- Salah Boubnider Prof. Kebbabi Saliha and Assistant professor of the University of Mustapha Stambouli Mascara, Dr. Merchela Wassim. The representatives of Russian and Algerian universities discussed the possibility of signing the cooperation agreement between TSTU and the University of Constantine3- Salah Boubnider. The cooperation will include implementation of joint educational, scientific and cultural events, exchange of students and staff, organization of joint research projects and publications, internships of Algerian students at Tambov State Technical University.

TSTU International Relations Office is on Telegram now! You can subscribe to our channel via the link: https://t.me/ums_tstu Join us!

Online meeting of rectors of TSTU and Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel TSTU rector Mikhail Krasnyanskiy met with the rector of Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel Artur Putyato in an online mode and outlined the roadmap for the implementation of joint projects and further plans for cooperation between universities. The colleagues discussed the implementation of joint educational, network programs, project-based training of students, summer and winter schools, professional development programs for students and teachers, as well as organization of joint scientific and practical conferences, consortia for submitting project applications to scientific foundations. The main outcome of the meeting was the signing of a cooperation agreement between TSTU and SSTU.

TSTU took part in an online meeting with representatives of the Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Professional Institute On December 15 Tambov State Technical University hosted an online meeting between Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of the International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva with representatives of the Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Professional Institute. The colleagues presented the structure, laboratory and methodological base and areas of training of their universities, discussed prospects for cooperation in the field of innovative academic cooperation, research and project activities, emphasizing the priority of organizing and implementing double degree programs "2+2".

TSTU teachers and students took part in the International round table "Chingiz Aitmatov and the modern world" On December 12, International round table was held dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the writer Chingiz Aitmatov. The organizers of the event were Osh State Pedagogical University named after A. Zh. Myrsabekov, Tambov State Technical University and Michurinsk State Agrarian University. The event was held in a remote format. Teachers of the department "Russian Language and General Education Disciplines" and students of the Institute of Law made presentations dealing with the creative heritage of Chingiz Aitmatov.

TSTU held a conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights On December 13 Tambov State Technical University together with the International University "MITSO" held an international scientific and practical conference "Human Rights in the Modern World: Traditional Values and New Challenges" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. The participants discussed judicial ethics as a guarantor of the protection of citizens' rights in civil proceedings, the human right to judicial protection and access to justice, digital human rights: a new era of development in the field of the international human rights protection system, human rights in the realities of the modern world and others.

Tambov State Technical University became a co-organizer of the International Conference Tambov State Technical University has become a co-organizer of the International Conference "International Patriotism"- as a form of civic responsibility in building interstate, interethnic and inter-confessional principles of the world order through public diplomacy." The conference was held jointly with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Peoples House of Russia" with the participation of the President of the National Assembly of Uzbeks of Russia Ibrahim Khudaiberdiyev, as well as representatives of the Azerbaijani, Arab, Talysh and Tajik diasporas in Russia. Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko made a presentation on the topic: "Patriotic education as a factor of adaptation of foreign students to the Russian socio-cultural environment", in which she showed the ways to solve the problems of adaptation of foreign citizens within the framework of university internationalization.

Head of the Department "International Law" took part in the international forum in Minsk At the end of November, Irina Iskevich, Head of the Department "International Law" was invited by Vladimir Pozdnyakov, Rector of International University "MITSO" to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Nuremberg Process in Modern Aspects of International Law, Politics and History", held within the framework of the international forum. Irina Iskevich made a presentation in the section "The Nuremberg Trials: History and Modernity" on the topic "The Nuremberg Trials and International Law: What the Forgotten History Lessons Lead to."

The international conference "Digital Transformation of Business: Models and Solutions" On November 28-29 Tambov State Technical University in cooperation with the International University "MITSO", Minsk organized the International scientific and practical conference "Digital Transformation of Business: Models and Solutions". The event brought together leading experts, academics and representatives of the business community to discuss topical issues and challenges related to the digital transformation of business both in Russia and abroad: cases of CRM system implementation, cybersecurity and data protection in the digital environment, the implementation and automation of products in the advertising field, etc.

Representatives of TSTU participated in the conference at Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University Within the framework of the program of international cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, representatives of TSTU - Director of the Institute of Study by Correspondence Natalia Maistrenko and Associate Professor of the Department "Technology and Methods of Nanoproducts Manufacturing" Andrey Popov took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Technical Support of Innovative Technologies in Agriculture", held by Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (Minsk). They also delivered lectures on topical issues of digitalization of management activities and the implementation of innovation policy in education. In the framework of the conference scientists from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan discussed the creation of innovative agricultural machinery, increasing the efficiency of agriculture based on digitalization of all processes, and the introduction of innovative technologies for training specialists.

TSTU teachers conducted the training course for students of West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology On November 13 - 22 the teachers of TSTU Department "Architecture and Building Construction" delivered lectures to the 4th and 5th year students of West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology within the framework of the signed agreement on cooperation in the field of science and education. The students attended a course of lectures, made layouts of three-dimensional compositions, developed a project for an individual residential building in ARCHICAD and practiced visualization in Lumion and the basics of architectural presentation in Adobe Photoshop.

Foreign students of TSTU participated in the Exhibition Forum "Russia" On the International Student's Day the Vice-rector for International Activities of TSTU Elena Mishchenko together with foreign students and teachers of the Department of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines visited the Exhibition Forum "Russia", which takes place in Moscow at VDNH from November 4 to April 12. At the stand of the Tambov region, foreign students from Jordan, Cameroon, Syria, Mozambique, Angola, Venezuela, Yemen, and Iraq made presentations of their countries and performed a bright concert program that included national songs, dances, and drumming.

TSTU took part in the International Conference "Current problems and trends in the development of the modern economy" Last week Samara State Technical University held the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current problems and trends in the development of the modern economy". The conference was attended by representatives of foreign educational institutions and scientific communities from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko made a plenary report on the topic: "Improving the quality of training of economic profile students through international cooperation".

Young scientist of TSTU participated in the International Science Festival of the Union State From November 14 to 16, 2023 the International Science Festival of the Union State was held on the basis of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Over 100 young scientists from scientific organizations of Belarus and Russia took part in the events. Tambov State Technical University was presented by Dmitry Rodionov, senior lecturer of the Departments "Mechanics and Engineering Graphics" and "Materials and Technology", member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the University. Within the framework of the Festival, young researchers got acquainted with the activities of advanced research institutes in Russia and Belarus and took part in joint practical research.

TSTU participates in the international conference "Green Universities. Cooperation of countries" On November 14 Vice-Rector for International Activities of Tambov State Technical University Elena Mishchenko took part in an online format in the international conference "Green Universities. Cooperation of countries" on the basis of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the participation of partner universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, African countries and China. The Vice-rector made a report on the topic "EcoGreen" - Environmental Global Regional Initiatives of Tambov State Technical University", in which she presented the best practices of joint activities with TSTU foreign partner universities in the following fields: environmental protection, sustainable development, rational use of natural resources.

Online meeting with representatives of International University MITSO At the videoconference TSTU rector Mikhail Krasnyanskiy discussed with the rector of the International University MITSO Vladimir Pozdnyakov further plans for cooperation: implementation of joint study programs, students’ exchange, summer/winter schools, organization of joint scientific and practical conferences and publications.

Representatives of the Institute of Law participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference in Minsk Irina Iskevich, Head of the Department of International Law, Anastasia Goryushina and Ivan Popov, students of the Institute of Law took part in the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientists of the Future" in Minsk. Ivan Popov made a presentation on the topic of legal relations involving artificial intelligence. The topic of Anastasia Goryushina's report was the problem of legal awareness of young people in the digital era.

Representatives of TSTU took part in a conference on water management construction and environmental protection TSTU scientists took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Water Management Construction and Environmental Protection", organized by Brest State Technical University in an online format. The conference brought together researchers from different countries and universities, including partners from Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan − representatives of enterprises and universities in Minsk, Gomel, Brest, Vitebsk, Fergana, Ryazan, Tambov, Makeyevka

TSTU entered the TOP 100 universities of the country in the RUR subject ranking Round University Ranking has presented an updated world subject ranking RUR 2023. Tambov State Technical University entered the RUR Subject Rankings in two areas – technical sciences and social sciences. In both rankings, TSTU is among the hundred of the best universities in Russia.

An open lesson "Russia is the territory of unity" was held for foreign students of TSTU On the eve of the National Unity Day, the international student club "Globus" and teachers of the Department of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines held an open lesson "Russia is the territory of Unity" for students of the Faculty of International Education. The students learned that people of more than 190 nationalities live in unity and equality on the territory of Russia, speak different languages and profess different religions, but they are united by the common history of the country and the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication.

TSTU presents its educational and scientific opportunities at the Robotics Forum in Tanzania The Robotics Forum will be held at the Russian House in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) from October 23 to 25. The forum will be attended by more than 600 students of technical universities, high school students, colleges and schools in Tanzania. In the framework of this Forum presentations of Russian education will be held in schools and universities of Dar es Salaam. TSTU is represented by the Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko.

Representatives of the Faculty of International Education of TSTU at the conference on teaching foreign student Teachers of the Department of "Russian Language and General Education Disciplines" Svetlana Ilyina and Nadezhda Nemtsova took part in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Modern approaches in teaching foreign students in a Russian university", which was held at Volgograd State Technical University. The teachers of Tambov State Technical University presented the experience of the Faculty of International Education in the field of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign citizens studying at TSTU.

International Conference on Electrochemistry, Corrosion Protection and Ecology On October 18-19, Tambov State Technical University hosted III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual aspects of Electrochemistry, Corrosion Protection, Ecology" in memory of Honour Fellow of Science and Technique of the Russian Federation, professor V.I. Vigdorovich. The main purpose of the conference is to unite the efforts of a wide range of specialists engaged in scientific research in the field of theoretical and applied electrochemistry and protection of metals from corrosion, the development of membrane technologies, nanomaterials, attracting observers from the industrial sector in order to organize joint activities for the industrial implementation of scientific and technical developments.

The Ambassador of the Gabonese Republic visited TSTU On October 16, Gabonese Ambassador to Russia Mrs. Johanna Rose Mamiaka visited TSTU and met with the Rector Mikhail Krasnyansky, Vice-Rector for international activities Elena Mishchenko and Gabonese students. In the frames of the meeting the possibilities of cooperation between Gabon and TSTU in the field of education and science were discussed.

VII International Scientific and Practical Conference on Statistical Research Methods The Department of "Economic Security and Quality" held the VII International scientific and practical conference "Statistical Methods of Research of Socio-economic and Ecological Systems of the Region". The conference was attended by more than 350 people from Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and leading scientific schools from different cities of Russia

The International Youth Educational Forum "EcoGREEN" was held at TSTU On October 12, Tambov State Technical University hosted the annual International Youth Educational Forum "EcoGREEN" - Environmental Global Regional Initiatives. Representatives of local authorities and partner-universities from Iraq, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Republic of Srpska delivered welcome speaches. Within the framework of the forum, much attention was paid to the involvement of young people in solving regional and global environmental problems, as well as opportunities for interaction and improving the effectiveness of joint work of young people for the benefit of sustainable development and environmental safety. In addition to the Russian students, the students from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Iraq took part in the forum.

The largest international conference on graphenes and related structures was held at TSTU On October 12-13 the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Graphene and Related Structures: Synthesis, Production and Application" was held at Tambov State Technical University. More than 100 specialists in the field of carbon nanostructures representing various regions of Russia, as well as scientists from other countries gathered at TSTU. The conference was attended by scientists, specialists in the field of production, applied research and application of carbon nanomaterials: graphene, nanographite, carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, structural and functional materials, as well as in the field of creation and use of carbon nanostructures for electrochemical systems.

Foreign students of Tambov State Technical University visited the "New Gallery" TSTU students from African countries, who started studying Russian at the Faculty of International Education, together with their mentors, teachers of the Department "Russian Language and General Education Disciplines", visited the "New Gallery" - the opening of the exhibition "From Black Soil to the Black Continent". Foreign students of TSTU got acquainted with the cycle of works about Africa with great interest. Artist Sofia Bondar, who visited Ethiopia, South Sudan and Uganda with representatives of the Russian Humanitarian Mission, reflected in her works the impressions of this difficult journey.

Online meeting of the Vice-Rector for International Activities with the director of the Foundation for Medical Sciences and Healthcare of the Republic of Iraq On September 27, Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko and Head of International Relations Office Larisa Mikheeva had an online meeting with the Director of the non-profit Research Foundation for Medical Sciences and Healthcare "Nab'a Al-Hayat Foundation" Dr. Ammar Hamid, who is also a representative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Iraq. At the meeting the prospects of organizing online Russian language courses for Iraqi students planning further studies at TSTU on joint educational programs were discussed.

Vice-Rector for International Activities of TSTU took part in the meeting of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities At the end of September, the annual general meeting of the Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities was held, in which Tambov State Technical University participated in an online format. Vice-Rector for International Activities Elena Mishchenko made a report on "Improving the quality of environmental education on the example of the international project "EcoGREEN - Environmental Global and Regional Initiatives" TSTU", in which she presented the university's long-term experience in implementing international academic mobility programs, training and internships both online and offline, on conducting professional retraining programs and advanced training for students and teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as about the successful practice of implementing projects in the field of technical engineering education and the importance of developing cooperation with partner universities of the CIS countries, especially the Kyrgyz Republic.

TSTU hosted a meeting with representatives of the West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology An online meeting with representatives of West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University was held at Tambov State Technical University. In online mode colleagues discussed the possibility of organizing and implementing training and internship programs for Bachelor’s and Master’s students and postgraduates of TSTU and Kazakh University on the basis of both partner universities, conducting professional retraining and advanced training programs for students and teachers of the Kazakh University both online and offline, as well as further prospects for cooperation in the field of innovation academic cooperation, research and project activities with West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University.

Foreign students of TSTU visited the Tambov Regional Library named after A. S. Pushkin Foreign students of the Faculty of International Education, together with their supervisors, visited the Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin. The library staff conducted a tour of the library for the foreign students and told about its resources. After the activity the students became participants of the festival "Russian Folk Art: Proverbs and Sayings". The students were told what proverbs and sayings are and learnt the explanation of the meaning of the most famous sayings.

Meeting of the TSTU International Department with a representative of Shenyang University of Technology On September 11 Tambov State Technical University hosted an online meeting of the administration of the TSTU International Department and the 2nd year Master’s student of the training course "Data Mining and Decision Support" Sergey Strygin with the head of School of Artificial Intelligence of Shenyang University of Technology, Professor Zhijia Zhang. The colleagues discussed the working issues of the upcoming internship of the Master's student of the TSTU Department "Automated Decision Support Systems" Sergey Strygin at Shenyang University of Technology in the period from October 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

Master’s Degree students of TSTU became holders of Presidential scholarships to study abroad The results of the competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the appointment of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for studying abroad for the 2023/2024 academic year have been summed up. Three Master’s Degree students of TSTU will be able to study at Belarusian State Technological University (Tatiana Kozharina), Shenyang University of Technology (Sergey Strygin), University of East Sarajevo (Sofia Semko).

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru