Valentin Avrorin (1907-1977) - a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the outstanding expert in the sphere of Tungus and Manchurian languages, one of the creators of the Nananian written laguage. He was born in Tambov in the family of a teacher. In 1925 Avrorin graduated from one of the Tambov schools. (image)
Vasily Agapkin (1884-1964) - a military orchestra conductor, composer, author of the well-known march "Slav Woman Farewell". In 1912-1915 he studied at Tambov musical school and later served here in the forces. In 1941 and 1945 he conducted the orchestras which took part in the historical reviews on the Red Square in Moscow. (image)
Amvrosy, the Optinsky elder, (Alexander Grenkov) (1812-1891) - made a valuable contribution to the book-publishing in the Tambov eparchy, founded a nunnery with a shelter and almshouse. In 1988 he was canonized. Such prominent people as F.Dostoevsky, L.Tolstoy, the philosophers V.Soloviov and K.Leontiev came to see Amvrosy in the Optina hermitage. (image)
Nickolai Annenkov (Kokin) (1899-1999) - the "patriarch" of the Moscow Maly Theatre. Since 1946 he tought in M.Schepkin Drama School. Such prominent actors as Oleg Dal and Pavel Luspekaev were his pupils. Annenkov was born in the village of Inzhavino of the Tambov region in a farmer's family. (image)
Alexander Antonov (1888-1922) - A leader of the armed revolt of Tambov peasants (1920-1921) against the policy of the "war communism ". In 1917-1918 he was a chief of militia in Kirsanov (the Tambov region). (image)
Vladimir Arnoldi (1871-1924) - a botanist, professor of Kharkov (1902-1922) and later of Moscow universities, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences. He was born in Kozlov (Michurinsk) in the family of a druggist. Arnoldi botanized a valuable collection of plants of the Malay archipelago. (image)
Yury Artyukhin (1930-1998) - an astronaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (1974). He graduated from Tambov Aviation Engineering Institute. (image)
Nickolai Arkharov (1742-1814) - the eminent statesman of Russia of the end of the 18-th century. He hold posts of Moscow police chief, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod and St.Petersburg governor-general. In his years on the post of Moscow police chief the policemen were named "arkharovtsy". Having gone into retirement N.Arkharov lived in his country-house in Rasskazovo. He was buried in Tregulyaevsky cloister near Tambov. (image)
Nickolai Basov (1922-2001) - a physisist, Academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labour, Nobel and Lenin Prize winner, one of the creators of the first quantum generator - mazer. He was born in the town of Usman of the Tambov province. (image)
Alexander Bezobrazov (1783-1871) - Russian statesman, a governor of the Yaroslavl province and the city of St.Petersburg, served in different departments of senate. Since 1815 till 1820 he was a governor of Tambov and was decorated with the order of St.Anna of the first class. (image)
Roman Boborykin (?-1682) - held different posts in the local administration of Russian state. In the 30-s of the 17-th century he was a voevode. Boborykin had built the fortress of Tambov.
Vsevolod Bobrov (1922-1979) - the outstanding sportsman (a footballer and ice-hockey player), Honoured Master of Sports, Honoured Trainer of the USSR, repeated football and ice-hockey champion of the USSR, champion of the world, Europe and the Olympic Games (1956). He was born in Morshansk of the Tambov region in the family of a teacher. (image)
Vladimir Bolotin (1926-2008) - one of the outstanding experts in the sphere of structural mechanics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, chief of the laboratory at Blagonravov Engineering Sciences Institute. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Yevgeny Boratynsky (1800-1844) - Russian poet, a friend of A.S.Pushkin, passed his childhood in the country-house Mara (Kirsanovsky uyezd of the Tambov province). (image)
Nickolai Bochkov (1931-2011) - a prominent Russian scientist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, scientific secretary of the Academy of Medicine Sciences, director of the Genetics Institute of the Academy of Medicine Sciences of the USSR, wrote more than 200 scientific works in the sphere of genetics. He was born in the village of Maryinka of the Tambov region. (image)
Sergei Bryukhanenko (1890-1960) - a physician, director of the Scientific and Research Institute of the Experimental Biology and Therapeutics, director of the Experimental Biology and Medicine Institute, constructed the first apparatus of the artificial circulation of the blood, used during operations - an autojector. He was born in Kozlov (Michurinsk) of the Tambov province. (image)
David Burlyuk (1882-1967) - Russian poet and painter, one of the founders of Russian futurism, a friend of V.Mayakovsky, studied at Tambov boy's gymnasia. (image)
Lev Diomin (1926-1998) - a cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the USSR (1974).In 1949 he graduated from Tambov Aviation Engineering School. (The Honorary citizen of Tambov). (image)
Leonid Diomin (1897-1973) - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor. The sailing directions of the Bering Sea, wrote by Diomin, is considered to be the best one for navigators. He was born in Kozlov (the Tambov province) in the family of a railwayman. (image)
Gavrila Derzhavin (1743-1816) - a poet, Russian classicism specimen. In 1786-1788 he was a governor of Tambov and made a great contribution to the enlightment of the Tambov region. In Derzhavin's years there was opened a public school, printing works, bookshop. The orchestra and chorus were organized, the first newspaper "Tambov News" was published. (image)
Maksim Dmitriev (1858-1948) - a prominent photographer. His photos were showed on various world exhibitions. Dmitriev was born in Povalishino of the Tambov region. (image)
Fiodor Dubovitsky (1907-1999) - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, State Prize of the USSR winner, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences. All his investigations have to do with the chemical kinetics and theory of combustion and explosion. He was born in the village Vishnevoe of the Tambov province. (image)
Lyudmila Enquist (Narozhilenko) (born in 1964) - the champion and record-holder of the world (sprint). In the middle of the 90-s she left Russia for Sweden and in 1996 became the Olympic Champion in Atlanta. She was born in Michurinsk of the Tambov region. (image)
Konstantin Fedin (1892-1977) - Russian and Soviet writer, Academician, Hero of Socialist Labour, Corresponding Member of Germany Academy of Arts. Since 1908 till 1911 he studied at the commercial school in Kozlov. In his novel "The Unusual Summer" K.Fedin depicted the raid of general Mamontov cavalry corps to Kozlov and Tambov. (image)
Nickolai Fiodorov (1828-1903) - Russian philosopher and publicist. N.Fiodorov's ideas exerted large influence upon many Russian writers and scientists. He was born in the Tambov province. (image)
Feofan, Vyshensky hermit (Georgy Govorov) (1815-1894) - Tambov bishop (1859-1863). In 1988 he was canonized. (image)
Feofil (Rayev) Tambov bishop (1738-1811) - an enlightener, the first Tambov ecclesiastical writer. In 1788 Feofil became the bishop of the Tambov province by order of Ekaterina II. He made a valuable contribution to the renovation of Kazansky and Voznesensky cloisters. Feofil lived and died in Tambov. (image)
Sergei Filatov (1926-1997) - the Olympic champion (1960, the equestrian sport), Bronze Prize winner of the Olympic Games (1964), champion of the world (1970), Honoured Master of Sports, champion of the USSR. He was born in the Tambov region. (image)
Flavian Flavitsky (1848-1917) - a prominent chemist, Corresponding Member of St.Petrsburg Academy of Sciences. He was born in the Tambov province. (image)
Zoya Gaidai (1902-1965) - the Ukrainian singer (soprano), People's Artist of the USSR (1944), a teacher, State Prize of the USSR winner, sang in Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, French and German. She was born, lived and studied in Tambov. (image)
Nikita Galakhov (1864-1912) - the inventor of the elliptical springs for the railroad carriages, generally recognized in the world. Since 1900 till 1912 he worked in the railroad workshops in Tambov. (image)
Nickolai Gamalei (1795-1859) - Russian statesman, Vitebsk governor, served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Senate, since 1832 till 1838 he was the governor of the Tambov province and made a valuable contribution to the economical, public and cultural life of the province.
Alexander Gerasimov (1881-1963) - Soviet painter, the People's Artist of the USSR, the first president of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. His picture "The Damp Terrace " is on show in the Tretiakov Gallery. Gerasimov was born and the most part of his life lived in Michurinsk (the Tambov region). (image)
Natalia Goncharova (1812-1863) - A.S.Pushkin's wife. She was born in the village Karian-Zagryazhskoye of the Tambov province. (image)
Maksim Gorky (Alexei Peshkov) (1868-1936) - Russian and Soviet writer and public figure, a founder of socialist realism literature. In 1888-1889 he served a watchman on the railroad station Dobrinka and was an overseer in Borisoglebsk of the Tambov region. In 1891 and 1904 he once more visited Tambov. (image)
Afanasy Grigoriev (1782-1868) - an architect, took part in the reconstruction of Moscow after the War 1812. He was born in the village of Vasilievskaya of the Tambov region. (image)
Konstantin Igumnov (1873-1948) - a pianist-virtuoso, professor of Moscow Conservatory, State Prize of the USSR winner (1946), performer of musical creations by Glazunov, Skryabin, Rakhmaninov, Doctor of Art Criticism and People's Artist of the USSR. He was born in Lebedyan of the Tambov province in the family of a trader. (image)
Lev Ilyin (1880-1942) - an architect, in 1925-1938 the main architect of Leningrad, author of the overall map of Leningrad and works in the sphere of town-planning. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Paisy Kaisarov (1783-1844) - Marshal Kutuzov's aide, major-general, decorated with the Order of Saint Georgy (3-d degree), Order of Saint Anna with diamonds (1-st degree) and gold sword. He was born in Morshansk district of the Tambov region. (image)
Ivan Kalita (1927-1996) - the equestrian sport Olympic Champion (1972), silver medalist of the Olympic Games (1968), bronze medalist of the Olympic Games (1964), Champion of the World (1970), Honoured Master of Sports. He was born in the Tambov region. (image)
Andrei Karelin (1837-1906) - an artist, photographer of the Academy of Arts, repeatedly rewarded with the diplomas at various exhibitions: Paris (1876), Philadelphia (1876), Edinburg (1877), Paris (1878 - Gold Medal), St.Petersburg (1903). The main subjects of his works - the everyday life of the people, photos of the contemporaries, views of Nizhny Novgorod (the album made jointly with I.I.Shishkin). Karelin was born in Selezny. In 1847 he was a pupil of an icon-painter in Tambov. (image)
Andrei Kolmogorov (1903-1987) - a mathematician, Academician, founder of the scientific schools (the theory of probability and the theory of functions), Lenin and State Prizes winner. (Born in Tambov in the family of an agronomist). (image)
Zoya Kosmodemianskaya (1923-1941) - a partisan, the first woman - Hero of the Soviet Union (1942, awarded posthumously). She was born in the Tambov region. The monuments to Z.Kosmodemianskaya were set up in Tambov and in Petrischevo (the Moscow region). (image)
Yevgeny Krinov (1906-1984) - the investigator of meteorits, president of Constant Meteorite Commission of the International Geological Congress (1960-1964). The mineral krinovit, discovered in meteorites, was named in his honour. He studied at Tambov boy's gymnasia. (image)
Lev Kuleshov (1899-1970) - Soviet producer and film critic, Doctor of Art Criticism, pedagogue, People's Artist of Russian Federation, founder of Soviet cinematographic art. He was born and studied at Tambov non-classical school. (image)
Yevgeny Lanceray (1848-1886) - the well-known Russian sculptor. The depiction of man's daily life and animals (particularly horses) were his favourite themes. Such sculptures as "Troika", "Zaporozhian Cossak After the Battle" are in the collection of the Tretiakov Gallery. He was born and during 13 years lived in Morshansk of the Tambov region. (image)
Igor Levkoev (1909-1978) - a chemist-photographer (his basic scientific investigations were devoted to the photographic chemistry), State Prize winner, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He was born in the village of Yepanchino of the Tambov province. (image)
Alexander Levshin (1899-1982) - a producer. He was on the group of Eisenshtein's assistants together with Alexandrov, Shtraukh, Tomorov and Antonov. Levshin took part in the production of such films as "The Party- membership Card", "A Bright Way", "Dzhambul", "A Court of Honour", "A Cruelty" and others. He was born in Nickolskoye of the Tambov province and studied at boy's gymnasia. (image)
Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) - the well-known Russian poet. After his visit to Tambov Lermontov created the poem "The Wife of the Tambov Treasurer". (image)
Alexander Lodygin (1847-1923) - one of the founders of the electrothermy, author of almost 400 inventions including a tungsten filament lamp. One of the lunar crater was named after Lodygin. He was born in the village of Stenshino of the Tambov province. In 1861 Lodygin studied at Tambov military school. (image)
Luka (Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky) (1877-1961) - Doctor of Medicine, professor, State Prize winner, since 1944 the Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsk and later of Simferopol and the Crimea. He combined a priest order with scientific and practical activities in the sphere of the surgery. (image)
Mikhail Lunin (1787-1845) - the Decembrist, lieutenant-colonel, member of the North and South societies, took part in the War 1812, native of the village of Inzhavino of the Tambov province. (image)
Konstantin Makovsky (1839-1915) - Russian painter, full member of St.Petersburg Academy of Arts, professor, author of the canvas "Children Running Away From the Thunderstorm". In 1874 he lived in Tambov. (image)
Rodion Malinovsky (1898-1967) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Twice Hero of the USSR. During the World War II he was the Army Commander, since 1957 - Defence Minister. In autumn 1942 he took part in the formation of the 2-nd Guards Army on the Tambov earth. (image)
Matvey Manizer (1891-1966) - the prominent sculptor, People's Artist of the USSR. His works: the monuments to V.Volodarsky in St.Petersburg, to Chapaev in Samara, three monuments to T.Shevchenko in Kiev, Kanev, Kharkov, several monuments to V.I.Lenin. In 1947 the monument to Z.Kosmodemianskaya by Manizer was erected in Tambov. For this work Manizer was awarded to the State Prize. (image)
Moisey Markov (1908 - 1994) - Soviet physicist-theorist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the outstanding expert in the sphere of physics of the elementary particles and the quantrum theory of the field. He was born in Rasskazovo of the Tambov province. (image)
Victor Merzhanov (born in 1919) - the outstanding pianist, professor of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, People's Artist of the USSR, Honoured Art Worker of Russia. He was born in Tambov and studied at Tambov Musical School. Merzhanov made a valuable contribution to the foundation of the Rakhmaninov's Museum in Ivanovka of the Tambov region. (image)
Alexander Mikhailov (1888-1983) - Soviet astronomer, Academician, Hero of the Socialist Labour, director of the observatory in Pulkovo (1947-1964), author of the Solar and Lunar eclipse theory. He took part in the exploration of the Moon with the use of space crafts. He was born in Morshansk. (image)
Nickolai Mikhnevich (1849-1927) - Russian military theorist, historian, infantry general, took part in the war with Turkey (1877-1878). Since 1892 he was a professor and later in 1904-1907 a chief of the General Staff Academy. Durnig 1911-1917 Mikhnevich held a post of the General Staff Chief. He wrote more than 30 articles and books. Born in Tambov. (image)
Ivan Michurin (1855-1935) - Russian and Soviet biologist and selectionist, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, selected more than 300 sorts of fruits. The most part of his life he lived in Kozlov (Michurinsk) of the Tambov province. (image)
Sergei Mosin (1849-1902) - Russian constructor of rifles. In 1861-1862 he studied at Tambov militaty school. (image)
Ivan Moscvin (1874-1946) - Russian and Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR, twice State Prize winner. In 1897 he started his creative activities at Tambov theatre. (Moscvin acts Tsar Fiodor)
Nickolai (Nickanor Dobrokhotov) (1800-1864) - rector of Penza and Yaroslavl seminaries and St.Petersburg Theological Academy. Since 1841 till 1857 - Tambov and Shatsk Bishop. He made a valuable contribution to the public education development, building of temples, monasteries in the Tambov region. For his activities in the eparchy and Most Holy Synod, he was decorated with the order of St.Anna of the First Class. (image)
Aleksei Novikov-Priboy (Novikov) (1877-1944) - Russian and Soviet writer, State Prize of the USSR winner, author of the historical epopee "Tsusima". He was born in the Tambov province and more than once visited Tambov. (image)
Nadezhda Obukhova (1886-1961) - the prominent Russian singer (mezzo-soprano), People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Since 1887 till 1899 she lived in the country-house in Khvorostyanka of the Tambov province. (image)
Florenty Pavlenkov (1839-1900) - a prominent publisher. He published books by A.Pushkin, M.Lermontov, N.Gogol, G.Uspensky, D.Pisarev and many others. He was born in the Tambov province. (image)
Vasily Petrov (1922-2003) - the artillery leutenant-general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1943,1945). For the successful crossing of the Dnieper, Petrov was decorated with the first medal "Gold Star". In action he had lost his hands and more than a year was in the hospital. After the treatment V.Petrov had been sent to the army at his request, distiguished himsself in action and was rewarded with the second medal "Gold Star". During a long period of time he underwent a cure in the hospital of Tambov. A bronze monument to Petrov was mounted in one of the Tambov public gardens. (image)
Pitirim (Prokopy) (1645-1698) - the first Tambov Saint, prominent church and historical figure of the end of the 17-th century. Since 1685 till 1698 being at the head of the Tambov eparchy, Pitirim made a valuable contribution to the establishing of the Christianity in the Tambov region. In 1914 he was canonized. (image)
Georgy Plekhanov (1856-1918) - Russian and International Social-democratic movement figure, philosopher, theorist and propagandist of Marxism, one of the founders of Russian Social-democratic Working Class Party. He was born and studied in the Tambov region. (image)
Vasily Polenov (1844-1927) - Russian painter - Peredvizhnik. While living in the village of Olshanka of the Tambov province (1870-1880) he painted a number of landscapes. (image)
Vitaly Popov (born in 1946) - a landscape painter. Since 1978 till 1983 - a designer of the newspaper "Nedelya" (the newspaper "Izvestiya" appendix), 1983-1986 - a chief designer of "The Student Meridian" magazine. He illustrated more than 20 books, painted series "Temples of Russia". Popov took part in a number of expeditions of Russian artists to the Himalayas. His works are exhibited in various museums and private collections of more than 30 countries. He was born and started painting in Michurinsk. (image)
Alexander A.Pushkin (1833-1914) - the eldest son of the poet A.S.Pushkin, leutenant-general, hero of the war with Turkey (1877-1878), awarded with the golden Georgy saber with the inscription "For the Courage". In 1878-1880 he commanded the 13-th Hussar regiment quartered in Kozlov of the Tambov province. (image)
Leonid Ramzin (1887-1948) - the prominent scientist - heating engineer, inventor of high pressure uniflow boilers. He was born in the village of Sosnovka of the Tambov province and studied at Tambov boy's school. (image)
Sergei Rakhmaninov (1873-1943) - the prominent Russian composer, pianist and conductor. A good while he lived and composed in the village of Ivanovka in the Tambov province. In 1917 he left Russia forever. (image)
Yuly Reentovich (1914-1982) - a violinist, People's Artist of Rusian Federation, conducted the violinists ensemble of the Bolshoy Theatre. He was born in Tambov and in 1931 graduated from Tambov Musical School. (image)
Igor Rekhin (born in 1942) - a composer. Since 1968 he lives in Moscow and works in the Philharmonic Society and at the Pedagogical Institute. His compositions for a guitar are included to the international competitions for the required rendering. He was born and studied in Tambov. (image)
Vladimir Rushailo (born in 1953) - colonel-general, since May 1999 to March 2001 - Minister of Internal Affairs. At present the Secretary of Security Council. He was born in Morshansk of the Tambov region. (image)
Nickolai Rybakov (1811-1876) - Russian actor, one of the reformers of the province theatres, in 1876 acted in Tambov theatre. He died and buried in Tambov. (Rybakov plays Neschastlivtsev)
Andrei Ryabushkin (1861-1904) - Russian artist, painted such pictures as "The Merchant Family", "Moscow Street of the 17-th Century" and othres. He was born in the Tambov province. (image)
Alexei Ryazananov (1920-1992) - an air force major-general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1943, 1945). During the World War II he had shot down more than 31 aircrafts. He was born in the Tambov region. (image)
Yevgeny Salias (Salias de Turnemir) (1841-1908) - a count, Russian writer, author of the very popular historical stories and novels at the turn of the 19-th and 20-th centuries: "Pugatchevtsy", "The Founding", "Ancient Moscow" and others. In the 70-s of the 19-th century he was the official for special missions under the Tambov governor and the editor of "The Tambov Province Gazette". Two books by Salias were devoted to the activities of Derzhavin as the governor of the Tambov province: "The Poet and Governor-general" and "G.R.Derzhavin. The Governor-general of the Tambov Province". (image)
Alexander Semionov (1907-1958) - a musician-virtuoso, professor, art critic. He issued a textbook "The Clarinet Playing School". A.Semionov was born in Tambov. (image)
Serafim Sarovsky (Prokhor Moshnin) (1759-1833) - a monk of the Sarovsky hermitage in the Tambov province. Serafim healed people and possessed a gift of foretelling future. His name became known all over Russia. In July 1903 Serafim Sarovsky was canonizes. The imperor Nickolai II and his family took part in the celebrations. (image)
Vladimir Serbsky (1858-1917) - one of the founders of the forensic psychiatry in Russia. The Central Forensic and Psychiatrical Examination Institute in Moscow named after V.Serbsky. In 1885-1887 he headed the mental hospital in Tambov. (image)
Alexei Sergeev (1919-1998) - an opera bass singer, People's Artist of the USSR, since 1940 till 1968 - a soloist of Alexandrov Ensemble of the Soviet Army. Beginning with 1968 he performed in recitals. Sergeev was enthusiastically welcomed in many contries all over the world. He was born in the Tambov region. (image)
Sergei Sergeiev-Tsensky (Sergeiev) (1875-1958) - Russian and Soviet writer, State Prize winner (1941), Academician, author of epopee "The Transformation of Russia". He studied at Tambov training school at Ekaterininsky Teacher's Institute. (image)
Konstantin Serebryakov (1852-1919) - a bass soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre. He played more than 100 opera parts including the Miller, Konchak, Gremin and others. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Alexander Solzhenitsin (1918-2008) - the prominent Russian writer. In the 60-s and 70-s he had repeatedly visited the Tambov region to collect information about peasant uprising in 1921. (image)
Nickolai Speransky (1877-1952) - the prominent singer, soloist of the Tbilissi Opera-house, Zimin Opera-house in Moscow, had sung more than 100 opera parts. He was a professor of Moscow Conservatory and headed the Chair in Gnesins' Institute. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Maria Spiridonova (1884-1941) - Russian political figure, one of the leaders of the left socialist-revolutionaries party. She was born and studied in Tambov. In 1906 Spiridonova had killed G.Luzhenovsky, the suppressor of peasant disturbances in the Tambov region, and was sentenced to a penal servitude for life. (image)
Victor Stepanov (1947-2005) - People's Artist of the USSR, Honoured Artist of Russia, acted in such films as "Ivan Pavlov", "The Wae", "Lomonosov", "Yermak", "The Wolf's Blood", "The Delusion" and others. during a long period of time he performed at Tambov theatre. (image)
Iliy Shatrov (1885-1952) - a military orchestra conductor, author of the well-known valtz "On the Manchurian Knolls". In 1935-1938 he conducted orchestra at Tambov Cavalry School and later (1951-1952) at Suvorov Military School in Tambov. (image)
Vladimir Shervud (1833-1897) - Russian architect, sculpturer and painter, Academician of St.Petersburg Academy of Arts. The Historical Museum in Moscow to the Heros of Plevna, monument to N.Pirogov in Moscow are his best creations. He was born and studied in Tambov. (image)
Vladimir Schuko (1878-1939) - the architect, stage painter, one of the authors of the monument to V.Lenin on the Finlyandsky railway-station in St.Petersburg, Lenin Library in Moscow and the theatre in Rostov-on-Don. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Ivan Tananaiev (1904-1991) - a chemist (worked in the sphere of the analytical chemistry), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, State Prize winner. He was born and passed his childhood in the Tambov region. (image)
Alexander Terpigorev (1873-1959) - Russian scientist in the sphere of mining, Academician, State Prize winner (1943), author of more than 300 textbooks and monographs for colleges of mines. He was born and studied in Tambov. (image)
Mikhail Tukhachevsky (1893-1937) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the USSR, in 1921 took part in the suppression of a peasant uprising under the leadership of A.Antonov in the Tambov region. (image)
Petr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) - the well-known Russian composer, author of several operas, ballets and symphonies. He had repeatedly lived and worked in the village of Usovo of the Tambov region (1871-1876). (image)
Pavel Tcherenkov (1904-1990) - Soviet physicist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, State Pryze winner (1946), Nobel Prize winner (1958). Since 1828 till 1930 he taught physics at one of schools in Kozlov. (image)
Victor Tchernov (1873-1952) - Russian political figure, philosopher, publicist, one of the founders of the socialist-revolutionary party, Minister of Agriculture of the Provisional Government. At the end of the 90-s of the 19th century he was in exile in Tambov. (image)
Alexander Tchizhevsky (1897-1964) - Soviet biologist, poet and painter, one of the founders of cosmic biology, investigator of the solar radiation influence on people and animals. In 1930-1931 he worked on the poultry farm "Arzhenka" in the Tambov region. (image)
Boris Tchicherin (1828-1904) - Russian lawyer, historian, philosopher, public figure, professor of Moscow University (1861-1868), Moscow Mayor (1882-1883), Honorary Member of St.Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1893). He was born in Tambov. (image)
Georgy Tchicherin (1872-1936) - Soviet statesman, in 1918-1930 People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the USSR, the nephew of Boris Tchicherin. He lived and studied in Tambov (1877-1896). (image)
Mikhail Usievich (1889-1970) - a physiologist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medicine Sciences, State Prize winner, the pupil and closest companion-in-arms of Ivan Pavlov. He studied at Tambov boy's gymnasia. (image)
Fiodor Ushakov (1745-1817) - Russian naval commander, admiral, one of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet. He took part in many sea-fights and gained great victoties. Since 1807 Ushakov lived in the village of Alekseyevka of the Tambov region. (image)
Vasily Vanin (1898-1951) - an actor and producer, People's Artist of the USSR (1949), three times State Prize winner. He was born in Tambov and worked at Tambov theatre (1915). Later he studied and performed at Moscow theatres. (image)
Fiodor Vasiliev (1850-1873) - Russian painter, closely connected with the Itinerants. In 1869 he lived and created his paintings in the village of Znamenka of the Tambov province. (image)
Vladimir Vernadsky (1863-1945) - Russian scientist, Academician, State Prize winner (1943), a founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology. He founded and headed different scientific institutions. In the 90-s of the 19th century Vernadsky had lived in the country-house Vernadovka (Tambov province) and was repeatedly elected to Tambov district council. (image)
Alexei Verstovsky (1799-1862) - a composer of the first Russian opera "Ascold's Grave". He was born in the country-house Seliverstovo near the village of Mezinets (Tambov province) and all his life was closely connected with his motherland. (image)
Mikhail Vodopianov (1899-1980) - took part in expeditions to the polar regions as a pilot and was one of the first Heros of the USSR (1934). He participated in the rescue of the ice-breaker "Tchelyuskin" crew and expedition to the North Pole. He was born in Lipetsk of the Tambov province. (image)
Arkady Vorobiov (born in 1924) - a sportsman (weight-lifter), one of the first Russian champions of the world, winner of the 16th and 17th Olympic Games, Honorary Trainer of the USSR (1964), rector of Moscow Physical Training Institute (1977). He was born in the village of Mordovo of the Tambov region. (image)
Sergei Yeger (1914-1987) - an aircraft designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. All his life was closely connected with A.N.Tupolev Design office. He lived and studied at one of Tambov schools. (image)
Vladimir Yegorov (born in 1938) - Admiral of the Fleet, in 1991-2000 he was the Commander-in-Chief of the Baltic Fleet. Since 2000 - the governor of the Kaliningrad region. In 1942-1955 he lived and studied in the Tambov region. (image)
Tatiana Yeremeeva (Bitrikh) (born in 1913) - an actress, People's Artist of Russia. Since 1944 the creative life of Yeremeeva was connected with the Maly Theatre in Moscow. In 1937-1944 she performed at Tambov theatre. (image)
Dmitry Zhdanov (1908-1971) - a physician, professor of the 1-st Medicine Institute (Moscow). He was the first in the world who suggested the original method of study of the lymphatic system anatomy. He was born in Tambov. (image)
Alexei Zhemchuzhnikov (1821-1908) - Russian poet. He created his works together with his brother V.Zhemchuzhnikov and the writer A.K.Tolstoy under the pen-name Kozma Prutkov. Since 1890 he lived and wrote poetry in Tambov. (image)
Georgy Zhukov (1896-1974) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the USSR. In 1921 he was decorated with his first order for the suppression of a peasant uprising in the Tambov province. (image)
Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884-1937) - a writer. He created numerous stories, tales, drama works, the novel-pamphlet "We". He was born in Lebedyan of the Tambov province. (image)
Anatoly Zverev (1931-1986) - a painter. He painted more than 30 thousands canvases. His works were exhibited in the very prestigious art galleries of New-York, Geneva, Copenhagen, London, Turin and Vienna. In the war years he lived in the village of Beriozovka of the Tambov region. (image)
Vladimir Zeldin (born in 1915) - an actor, People's Artist of the USSR, acted in such films as "A Pig-tender and a Cowboy", "Uncle Vanya", "Good Souls", "The Retired Colonel", "Ten Little Negros". He was born in Kozlov (Michurinsk). (image)